The Secret Formula for successful Landing Page Website

Hafid Yusuf
5 min readFeb 20, 2022
secret formula reveal

How do we define success for a Landing Page? Well, we need to find the goal for a Landing Page first, like why do we create this Landing Page in the first place? And how do we achieve those goals? And the answer is LUCK… no i’m just kidding, i know that’s not funny at all, i just… nvm

Most of the time… like almost every time, the main reason for a Landing Page is to Convert Visitors into Customers, even tho sometimes we create Landing Page is only to make visitors to join our list or whatever. But basically, Landing page is a standalone web page that a person “lands” on after clicking a link through from an email, ad, or other digital location, once they’re on your landing page, they’re encouraged to Take an Action. You need to always remember that phrase when creating a Landing Page : “Take an Action” (Remember that)

Let’s jump on the secret formula

There is 5 elements that you must have in your Landing Page :

  1. We need to explain what value that we’re going to give (Hero Section)
  2. How do we give that value (Features/Benefits)
  3. We need to give them the illustration about the service/product (Image)
  4. Build a trust (Giving them Social Proof)
  5. Make their path easier to do what we want them to do (Call To Action)

That’s the key of creating a successful landing page…


5 element above is not enough, what you want to do is creating a landing page website that‘s tell a story. I believe that creating a Landing Page Website is like giving a pitch to your targeted audience so each section should be presented like a story that’s folding step by step when user scrolls the page, and that should be put together in the logical order (i get this amazing insight from Ran Segall, amazing lad)

Ok, let’s break down the secret formula

  1. Explain what value that we’re going to give

Users tend to leave a website in a very short period of time (around 10s–20s), just because they didn’t find what their looking for, so what is the most important thing to getting user/potential customer stays ? Well this is why the hero section is the most crucial section in landing page, because it’s the first thing that the users see, and it decide wether the users gonna keep scrolling or leave the website

So we should put the most important part in the hero section, and what’s the most important part ? Yup, that’s right, it’s the value that you’re gonna give to the user/potential customer. Once user is interested in what we can offer, there’s a high probability that users are going to continue scrolling to find out more about this company

gmail landing page
(Gmail Landing Page) their value is “Secure, smart and easy-to-use email”

2. How do we give that value

Apparently after user is intrigued, we must hold that momentum, what do you think we should do after explaining “what value that we can give” ? That’s right… How exactly we’re going to give that value. There’s two things that we can do for this part, first we can give them a sort summary on how do we give value, like what you often see in the tagline after you read the value

And second of all, you can break down all of the thing that support the tagline that you wrote into a list of Feature & Benefits it’ll give the users a more clear vision about how exactly you’re going to give them your value. See Gmail Landing Page below for example, they’re so clear and concise at explaining their benefits. It’s amazing.

Gmail Landing Page again
(Gmail landing page… again) There’s a lot of benefits just like you can see above

3. We need to give them the illustration/photo/screenshot about the service/product itself

Ok this part… umm… i think you get the point just from reading the title above, alright coz there’s nothing to explain, i’ll just gonna give you the example below, and this time i’ll use an example other that gmail, so you didn’t get bored a financial services and software as a service (SaaS) company

4. Build a Trust

There’s a multiple method on how you can build a trust from a landing page depends on what kind of product or service you’re trying to sell, but lemme give you some of the thing that i know :

  • Testimonial
  • Client Lists
  • Award
  • Publication
  • Even a simple shoutout from famous people
this example is from, it’s a design services company

5. CTA (Call-To-Action)

This is like the final thing that will decide is your landing page successful or not, it depends on the how much users that click on the CTA Button. The purpose of the CTA Button is vary, depends on what you want the users to do, like download the app, buy your product, signing up or even just subscribe to your newsletter

What you have to pay attention on this part is, you have to make the CTA Button as the main emphasis on the page, it has to be shown clearly and easy-to-access, since that is the most important element that can measure your success on the landing page that you created
just like you can see on above, CTA Button is shown very clearly with a high contrast

Now, how do we really measure a success from our Landing Page?

There’s a method that we can use to measure a success of a landing page, and it’s called Conversion Rate. Conversion rate is the percentage of the number of buyers divided by the number of visitors at a certain time. For example, if your website is visited by 1000 visitors in one month and you get 50 purchases, then 50/1000 = 5% conversion rate.

Conversion Rate = (Conversions/Total Visitors)*100

It’s not just for selling by the way, it can also be a how many download, how many sign up, or even contact you. And the average conversion rate is generally around 2.35%. And that’s how you measure your success

So that’s basically it, i hope i explain it well enough so you can understand, if you still don’t understand than maybe you just really dumb… no i don’t mean that, i’m sorry, i have a condition where i can’t make a funny jokes, it’s call unofunia, i probably need to shut up and end this article here

Anyway thank you so much and i hope this article helps

